See you later, my friend

Esta nota no la voy a escribir como agencia, si no a título personal.

Me llamo Luis Aramburu y en mis 34 años de vida, me he sentido particularmente solo. A veces por apetencia, en la mayoría de ocasiones, por contexto. Muchos traslados me han impedido sentirme parte de un lugar concreto o tener amigos de toda la vida. Mi infancia, adolescencia y parte de la vida adulta, han sido principalmente mis padres, mis perros y mis cómics.

Cuando Joaquín García, de Radebu Agency, me ofreció la posibilidad de enseñarme el oficio de representación, vi que era una oportunidad de oro. Podía vincular mi necesidad de crear conexiones con la gente, al enorme honor de encontrarles trabajo en lo que es una pasión conjunta. Tenía delante de mí una labor puramente vocacional.

Tengo la fortuna de poder representar a gente con la que me siento muy cercano, no sólo en lo profesional, si no en lo personal, habiendo labrado grandes amistades por el camino. Eso ha hecho que pueda estar cerca de ellos en los buenos y en los malos momentos. He vivido sus éxitos y he estado a su lado en los golpes que nos da la vida, pero, además, han hecho lo propio conmigo y eso hace que levantarse cada día sea más fácil para mí.

Sin embargo, hoy tengo que dar una noticia terrible. Ha fallecido Ignacio Calero, gran amigo (y también, dibujante). Tengo el inmenso placer de haberle representado y haber visto su desbordante creatividad, pero sobre todo, de tenerle "cerca", de que su manera de ser hiciera que los 10.200 Km que nos separaban, se evaporaran con un audio. Me ha proporcionado reír a carcajadas en momentos duros, porque con su pasotismo y sapiencia sabía perfectamente lo que era la vida y lo que nos va a dar y quitar a todos. La última vez que le escuché, le dije que estaría dispuesto a pagarle por un podcast semanal para decir cómo estaba la industria en ese momento. Se ganaba la vida como dibujante, pero perfectamente hubiera podido ser un artista de stand-up comedy. Sus expresiones, su franqueza, su capacidad para reducir a la esencia lo que para muchos nos resulta complicado... Las lágrimas que estoy derramando ahora no harán nunca justicia a lo que nos aportaba a todos.

Hoy el mundo es peor que ayer, Ignacio, pero de parte de tu "Lucho", tu recuerdo nos hará mejores.

I am not going to write this note as an agency, I am doing it personally.

My name is Luis Aramburu and in my 34 years of life, I have felt particularly lonely. Sometimes wanting, in most cases, by context. Many transfers have prevented me from feeling part of a specific place or having lifelong friends. My childhood, adolescence and part of adult life have been mainly my parents, my dogs and my comics.

When Joaquín García, from the Radebu Agency, offered me the opportunity to teach me this profession, I saw that it was a golden opportunity. I could link my need to create connections with people, to the enormous honor of finding them work in what is a joint passion. I had before me a purely vocational work.

I am fortunate to be able to represent people with whom I feel very close both professionally and personally, having made great friends along the way. That has made it possible to be close to them in good and bad times. I have lived their successes and have been by their side in the blows that life gives us, but, in addition, they have done the same with me and that makes getting up every day easier for me.

However, today I have to deliver terrible news. Ignacio Calero, a great friend (and also a penciller) has passed away. I have the immense pleasure of having represented him and having seen his overflowing creativity, but above all, of having him "close", that his way of being made the 10,200 km that separated us evaporate with a single audio. He has made me laugh out loud at hard times, because with his pasotism and wisdom he knew perfectly what life was and what he is going to give and take away from all of us. The last time I heard him, I said I would be willing to pay him for a weekly podcast to tell how the industry was doing at the time. He made a living as a cartoonist, but he perfectly could have been a stand-up comedy artist. His expressions, his frankness, his ability to reduce to the essence what is difficult for many of us... The tears that I am shedding now will never do justice to what he brought to all of us.

Today the world is worse than yesterday, Ignacio, but on the part of your "Lucho", your memory will make us better.